Join us to explore the mysteries of existence. Our content is created from the work and research of renowned thinkers and scientists in order to offer an in-depth reflection on the nature of reality and the art of living in full awareness.

Exploring Consciousness

Whether you are curious, passionate or searching for meaning, join us to explore the mysteries of existence together and broaden our intellectual and spiritual horizons. Our content is created from the work and research of renowned thinkers and scientists in order to offer an in-depth reflection on the nature of reality and the art of living in full awareness.

April 13, 2:00 to 4 pm - Science and Consciousness

Science historically developed itself in opposition to religion and anything related to the spiritual or non-material world. Because of that, for a long time, the two have been seen as naturally and completely opposed. Recent scientific discoveries in a variety of different disciplines have significantly changed this opposition leading scientists to consider the need for a new approach called post-materialism. This introduction to the series of presentations aims to introduce these recent changes towards post-materialist science and explore the consequences for a science of consciousness.

Physics is the science dedicated to the understanding of reality and its mechanisms. What about the physics of consciousness? What can physics tell us about consciousness, and how is it related to quantum physics? What is the relationship between consciousness, time and space…? To answer these questions, we will introduce recent findings on the Physics of Consciousness (P. Guillemant, N. Haramein) and explore its consequences on the way we see the world and reality, as well as on other disciplines like anthropology for example…

May 4, Consciousness in traditional societies

May 18, Reality, Death and Consciousness

June 01, Living in Consciousness

Other Lectures at Pynelogs Cultural Centre

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