
Do you love art and want to get involved in your local community?

A dedicated force of volunteers is the heart of CV Arts.

What makes you awesome, makes us awesome.

Turn your love of the arts towards supporting artists in the Columbia Valley. Whether you are interested in helping once with a special event, or on an ongoing basis, pick your interest and join our group of volunteers.

Volunteer benefits include access to specific events, connecting with the Arts Community, and sharing your love of art and culture with others! (Sometimes this comes with pizza and ALWAYS with our deepest gratitude and utmost appreciation, because we couldn’t do it without you!)

Volunteer Opportunities at Pynelogs

Setting up for special events : musical performances, helping to hang shows

Gallery Hosts : Get the inside scoop on what makes these artists tick! Spend some days in the Gallery, sharing your love of art and other info with visitors.

Music, Performances, and Events : Volunteers allow us to host events large and small. We need help with ticketing, hosting, marketing, concession, set-up, promotion and everything in between. Be our voice in the community or help behind the scenes.

Send us your application