Donor Wall
Making a donation to the Columbia Valley Arts Council is a gesture of support that demonstrates your commitment and love for art and culture over time. In this way, you enable the sharing of cultural riches and support artists and all forms of artistic expression.
All generous donors to Columbia Valley Arts Council - 2005 RENOVATION
In 2005, Pynelogs was able to do a major renovation through the generous support of donors. Beyond the plaques issued at the time, we want to recognize those individuals and businesses that have allowed us to continue to offer a space for art in the valley.
Al & Lucy Miller |
Al Leslie |
Alan & Ann Beattie |
Alice Hale |
Allan Markin |
Amy Hartung |
Anacourt Capital Inc. |
Andrew & Nancy Kolankowski |
Andrew & Nancy Wiswell |
Andrew W. & Kelly Stuart-Hill |
Anne James |
Anne Jardine |
Anne Zubriggen |
Anonymous |
Arlene Witherspoon |
Arthur & Fern Keith |
Ateknor Enterprises Ltd. ~ Norman Gagatek |
Audrey Osterloh |
AY Jackson |
Barbara Hoberg |
Barnum Kluge |
Barry & Linda Hoffman |
Barry Moore |
Bavin Glassworks |
Beattie & Lynn Ledingham |
Beethoven |
Bernice Stone |
Bill & Bev Kirker |
Bill & Debbie Bonner |
Bill & Irene Turner |
Bill & Marilyn DesBrisay ~ In Memory of Our Son |
Bill Croft & Nora Efford |
Bob & Barb Shaunessy |
Bob & Lynn Rutherford |
BPB Canada Inc. |
Brian & Anne Dick |
Brian & Anne O’Leary |
Brian & Stephanie Felesky |
Brickburn Asset Management |
Bruce & Sandra Fiell |
Bruce Chernoff |
Bruce McFarlane |
Bruce Stroud |
Bruce Zwiers |
Cameron & Eloise Berry |
Canden Resources Ltd. |
Carney & Paul Oudendag |
Carol & Jack Marshall |
Carol & John Carruthers |
Catherine Heimbach & Ervin Kimak |
Cheryl Goodwin |
Chris & Charlene Evans |
Christine & Rod Turnbull |
Christine Vadalin |
Christine Wignall |
Christopher & Allison Pierce |
Clara Anderson |
Clarice Siebens |
Claton & Violet Riddell |
Columbia Valley Community Foundation |
Columbia Valley Trading Co. |
Daga Investments Ltd. |
Dale & Athena Hunt |
Dale Timmons |
Dalphine VanDeWalle |
Dalton Siebrasse |
Dave Hillary |
David & Bonnie Robottom |
David & Joanne Richardson |
David & Kathy Stuart |
David Blain |
David Scobie |
David Thompson Secondary School |
David Wright & Marlene Starkman ~ Donation to Sue Wells Art Foundation |
Davinci |
Deborah Griffith |
Delphine Lodge |
Dennis & Donna Flanagan |
Dennis & Donna Flanagan |
Derek & Linda Stoll |
Derek S. Jones |
Diane Lovse |
Dickerson Enterprises |
Don & Alice Pawlyshyn |
Don T. Gray |
Donald & Lynn Ross |
Donald Steinwand |
Doris & Patrick Kavanagh |
Dr. Karen Taylor-Browne |
Dr. Kendall Hafermehl |
Earl & Joanne Young |
East Kootenay Refrigeration 2003 |
Edward & Margaret Kemp |
Elaine Greer |
Emily Carr |
F.G. Vetsch |
F.P. Mannix |
Fairmont Hot Springs Resort |
First Energy Capital Corporation |
Frances Jefferey |
Francois Louw |
Frank & Nan Jones |
Frederick & Shirley Thode-Hamilton |
From Scratch Foods |
Gary & Hazel Toms |
Gaye Mackie |
GEO Homes & Design |
Gerry & Carol Wilkie |
Glass Duck Beads & Jewelry |
Glen & Elizabeth Hamilton |
Glenn & Elizabeth Hamilton |
Glenn Gould |
Gord & Pat Coli |
Gordon & Karen Cromwell |
Gordon Phillips |
Graham Flatt |
Harold & Merla Pederson |
Harry Wheeler |
Harvey & Sherry Doerr |
Heinz Drews & Elinor Florence |
Helen & Doug Kipp ~ Donation to Sue Wells Art Foundation |
Helen & Jerry Kohorst |
Henry & Gail Hoffman |
Holland Creek Development |
Hugh & Gail McQueen |
Hugh & Tracy Osler |
Ian & Patricia Cartwright |
Ian Towers |
Ingrid Vincent |
Interior World |
Invermere Home Hardware |
Invermere Physiotherapy Clinic |
Irvin & Irene Hohm |
Ivan Zaitsoff |
Jack & Carol Keshen |
Jack & Shari Shaw |
James & Betty Milne |
James H. Thompson |
Jenny & George Richardson |
Jill & Sebastian Bell |
Jill Unger |
Jim Guild |
Jim Guild ~ In Memory of George Deck |
Joan & John Rouse |
Joan Manz |
Joan Manz |
Joe & Sharon Killi |
John & Eileen Fiell |
John & Lin Graham |
John & Lynne VanBrunt |
John & Megan Crosland |
John & Sheilagh Langille |
John Davidson Charity Golf Tournment |
John Hague |
John Marshall |
John Masters |
Judith Towell |
Judy Birdsell & Terry Brooker |
Karen & Bill Graham ~ Donation to Sue Wells Art Foundation |
Karen Sharp |
Karilene Montgomery |
Keith & Kathleen Turnbull |
Keith & Kathy McPhail |
Keith Smith |
Kelly & Will Love |
Ken & Terrie Mallet |
Kevin & Myrna Fleury |
Kevin & Yvonne Wolfe |
Kevin R. Baker and Kathy Shea |
Kim & Andrew Turgeon |
Kimberly Gray |
Kreg Sky |
Krystyna & Stanislaw Lukaslewicz |
L.E. Holubitsky ~ Donation to Sue Wells Art Foundation |
L.F. Holubitsky ~ Donation to Sue Wells Art Foundation |
Lake Windermere District Lions Foundation |
Lambert Insurance |
Lambert-Kipp Pharmacy |
Larry & Marion Stotts |
Larry & Mary Root |
Leonard & Patricia Kotyk |
Leonard & Patricia Luders |
Leslie Rowe-Israelson |
Lester & Lynda Tutty |
Levine Electric |
Levine Electric |
Linda Madson |
Local View Printing |
Lorne & Rita Rankin |
Lucille Campbell |
Luders Enterprises |
Lynn M. Thomson |
Lynne & Leo Grillmair |
M. Scott Bratt |
Mac & Susan Van Wielingen |
Mahabir & Rowena Sinha |
Marg Metcalf |
Margaret MacPherson |
Maria Dibb |
Marianne & Wayne Hurlbert |
Marie Thompson |
Marjorie Taylor |
Mark & Jennifer Woodburn |
Markin Petroleums Ltd. |
Marrin & Dagmar Romanow |
Martha Christie |
Martha Ryan |
Martin & Kathleen Davies |
Marylin Oliver |
Maureen & Neil Hutton |
Maureen & Neil Hutton |
Maureen & Paul Gagnon |
Mercer & Company |
Meredith Hackler |
Michael & Gail O’Reilly |
Michael Matthews |
Mike Rose |
Murphy Oil Company Ltd. |
Nancy Lever |
Nancy Lever |
Nancy Lever & Alex Pochmursky |
Nancy Newhouse & Trevor Kinley |
Nancy Sorenson |
Nathan & Kathryn Wells |
Nev & Jackie Anderson |
Newhouse Family ~ In Honour of Pauline Newhouse |
Norma & Robert Piche |
Norma Jones ~ Donation to Sue Wells Art Foundation |
P.P. Planscape Inc. |
Palliser Printing |
Pam & Randy Brash |
Pamper Yourself Spa |
Panorama Foundation |
Paramount Oil & Gas |
Parent Advisory Council of J.A. Laird School |
Pat Miller |
Pat Roome |
Patrick & Leisa O’Sullivan |
Patton Family |
Pauline & Joseph Hamilton |
Pauline Johnson |
Peter & Debi Messener ~ Donation to Sue Wells Art Foundation |
Peter & Jaryl McIsaac |
Peter & Jean Vallance |
Peter & Sandy Bartman |
PLG Holdings Inc. |
Quiniscoe Homes Ltd. |
Radostits Holdings Inc. |
Raymond Neratko |
RBC Foundation |
Reinhart Construction |
Richard & Andrea Haworth |
Richard Thompson |
Rick & Nancy Leicht |
Riddell Family Charitable Foundation |
Ritchie Braund |
Robert & Linda Green |
Robert LeBlond |
Roberts Construction Management |
Rockies West Realty (2007) Ltd. |
Rod & Dee Conklin |
Roger & Dot Smith |
Ron & Louise Poelzer |
Ron & Rosemary Clarke |
Ronald & Jeanette Nicholls |
Ross & Delores Mitchell |
Rotary Club of Invermere ~ In Honour of David Escott |
Ruben & Heather Nelson |
Ruth & Tony Valentine |
Ryan Bavin |
Sandra & Jerome Manohur |
Sarah Bennett |
Scott & Kim Sarjeant |
Selby Porter |
Shane McKay |
Shannon Lord |
Sharon Jonas |
Sheldon Steeves |
Shell Community Service Fund |
Shirley Mauer |
Ski Home Ltd. |
SKLD Consulting |
Stan Rokosh |
Stephen J. Savidant |
Suncor Energy Foundation |
Sylive & Robbie Robertson |
Tara Whidden |
Tembec, Inc. |
Terrence & Marie McMahon |
Terrence & Patricia Lawrence |
Terry & Shirley White |
Terry McMahon |
Theresa & Wallace Ross |
Thomas Symington |
Tom Landa |
Toshimi & Will Sembo |
Tracy & Ken Litchfield |
Treva Burton |
Trimble Engineering |
Uldis & Nancy Upitis |
Ursula & Herman Mauthner |
Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild |
Victoria & Bernard Gordon |
Viewpoint Charitable Foundation |
Vivian Crebo |
W. Brett Wilson & Family |
Wendy McMahon |
Wesley & Judith Stripling |
Wesley & Margaret Twiss |
Wilf & Marg Gobert |
Windermere Oilmen’s Golf Tournament |
Windermere Valley Golf Course |
Wolfgang Kunze |
Wood Floor Artisans |
Yolande Gagnon |

It takes a community to support artists and bring art to the people. We thank our generous sponsors and those businesses supporting our needs.