Art is for everyone and we want to make sure everyone has access to that art. We are fortunate to receive support from the wider community, and from individuals who share our vision to bring art and culture to the valley. By being a member, you are investing in both artists and in creating a community that engages with and enjoys art in all its forms.
Membership Basic for One
Membership Basic for Two
Membership Basic + Donor
Art is an expression of our values and culture - it is a universal bond; to create is to be human. Art has the capacity to enrich the mind on both a conscious and unconscious level. Art can boost morale, speed healing, and help to manage and process pain. It has the ability to create an individual, inner narrative, as well as provide shared enjoyment.
Beyond the prosperity of the human experience, the Arts contribute to economic prosperity: as a multi-billion dollar industry; a huge employer of Canadians; and a collection of businesses with large and small spin-off services from product design to marketing and display. Tourists travel to art sites such as galleries, museums, festivals, operas, and sculpture parks. For every performance ticket, there is increased value in travel, food, and clothing; the purchase of an arts experience means art sales, lessons, and gifts. From all this, artists and ordinary folk in Canada -and especially those in the Columbia Valley - thrive.
Art makes us beautiful and brings us joy. That's the heart beat of CV arts.